sabrina L Clemons


books by sabrina l. clemons

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the traits of women of grace

hear me roar

moments for moms ii

Sabrina L. Clemons is a kingdom-minded woman of faith with a kingdom assignment. Her purpose is to be about her Father’s business bringing glory to Him in everything she does, while speaking truth in love, life and healing, and the oracles in which the Father reveals and chooses her to speak. She is a marketplace leader, serving as a regional director for a nonprofit organization. In addition to being an administrator, Sabrina is an educator and advocate that works within her community. She serves on several collaborative teams, taskforces and coalitions working to end domestic and sexual violence. She is also the founder of a budding ministry - Rising From the Ashes. She is dedicated to providing services that stimulates and enhances growth, development, and solutions for mind, soul & spirit, while advancing the kingdom agenda. She is determined to help others experience resurrection power, restoration, and freedom.

 Sabrina L. Clemons is a graduate of Norfolk State University and continued her graduate studies at Hampton University. She continues her ministry studies through the Freedom (Life) School of Ministry and Eagles International Training Institute. She is a contributing author in the books ‘Hear Me Roar’ and ‘The Traits of Women of Grace. Moreover, Sabrina is a woman that loves God first and her family. She is the proud wife of Elder Anthony Clemons and the mother of two beautiful, gifted daughters – Rachel & Sarah.



About the author